Right across the street from where we live is a huge mall. My friend Jenny and I will walk inside it during the rainy and cold days around here. To explain how big this mall is: to walk around it clocks at a little over a mile. Like I said, huge! After we walk we take the kids to the food court which is amazing. Right in the middle of the court is this big play area for the kids to run around. It is covered in big foam pieces of food that the kids can climb on. And the best part is, if they fall the ground is also foamy so they cannot get hurt. (Unless they run into each other, which tends to happen once in a blue moon).
Here is Tyson doing one of his famous poses next to Ashley, Jenny's daughter, and some random kid that got into the shot. On the other side of this tipped over drink are big ice cubes the kids can jump on.
Tyson loves jumping on the potato chips. He thinks they are small trampolines.
The best part about walking in the mall is the fact that it opens up at 7 am just for people to walk around in it. So we aren't the only ones pushing strollers. In fact, there are more pregnant women, and moms with small kids here that I sometimes think I am back in Utah at the Provo mall. I thought only people in Utah reproduced a tons of kid, but it seems to be that they do that out here too. HA HA HA
ah i'm so glad i found your blog!! haha that mall looks like quite a fun place. i'd never get coen out of there!!
We have those in all the Malls in MN too...they are so fun! Awesome that it is so close! Tyson is getting so big!
What a great place to take Ty when the weather gets yucky this fall! Last year in Texas they did some study on cleanliness of play areas for children. They found that the play areas inside of shopping malls are some of the most germ free places for children to play!! Who knew!?!?! Sounds like you are having a great time in MI. Tell Jen and everyone I said HELLO from the UK.
I'm glad that you guys are settling in and enjoying the US! I can't believe that Tyson is getting so big and adorable! Hope all is well your way!
Hi!! I came by your blog through Priscilla's blog. Glad to hear that you made it to your destination safetly!! The mall sounds great, my son Ethan saw the cupcake and thought it looked awesome!! Hope you don't mind if I keep in touch. Congrats on baby #2. I was a little nervous about my second, since Ethan was six!! But I wouldn't change anything.
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