After Christmas we were able to head to Hurricane, Utah and see my sister and brother-in-law for New Years and for more Christmas. When I found out we were going west for Christmas, I quickly called my sis and told her not to mail our Christmas, that way she saved a little money and the kids got to open more presents. Here is Taryn showing her Aunt D how to properly open a present.
Aunt D gave Taryn this little princess book that plays all kinds of little music for each princess page. Taryn fell in love with it immediately. She loves anything with music. (In fact, she has played with this book ever day since we got it.)
Uncle Jesse and Aunt D bought them a Wii for Christmas. It was the highlight of the entire time spent there, especially for Tyson, who wanted to play it every waking moment.
New Years Eve was spent eating, laughing and laughing at each other playing the Wii. My sister also got the Wii fit which is this little foot stool thing, about 1 inch high, that you step on to make the game work. It was hilarious to watch each other try to complete the tasks the games make oneself do. There was this karate game and you had to follow the game character in completing each karate move. The longer it progressed the harder the moves got. I haven't laughed so hard as when I watched my mom, Tyson and Vaughn try and play this game. (I was told I was pretty funny looking as well, but I couldn't see myself so I think they were just lying. HA HA) We played up until the New Year hour and then all crashed to bed. I don't normally like New Years, just because I feel it is a night where people who want to drink, will drink themselves into oblivion and then act like total idiots. And since we don't drink, what is there to do but watch the ball drop in Time Square on TV, and then go to bed. This year was the best New Years I have had in a long time. Thanks D and Jesse for all the good fun and food.
My pretty little princess. I had to put this photo of her and her Christmas dress on here, because I forgot to put it on the Christmas post. Thanks Grandma Jackson for the dress. She looks like a doll!
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