(This post is also out of order and should have been posted last Friday, October 28, 2011.)
AHHH! It is the Pumpkin Monster Taryn. Taryn scared the crap out of me this morning when I walked into the kitchen. Little stinker. She had found her treat bag and her pumpkin mask and decided to scare me.

Not that we haven't been having lots of Trick-or-Treating, but we had the church's Trunkerfest tonight. The kids could go and play games, trunk-or-treat and then the whole family could have dinner. Sounded great to us. Once again the kids were able to use their costumes. I love it when they are used and not just worn for a few hours. (makes the cost of them, worth it)

Vaughn decided to give Tyson a little "trick". He held up the treat bag and said, "Get it!" Yeah right. Poor kid. Vaughn is such a tease with the kids.

The many, many curls of Taryn Jackson's head. I am so blessed to have a little girl who will hold still while mom takes 30 minutes to make lots of little curls all over her head, and then pulls it all up. WHEW! We have performed this small feat for the past 2 nights. I was glad to see that she would let me keep doing it.

I always dress up like a witch because the costume is easy, but this year I decided to break out of the mold and be something else. I chose a cowgirl costume. I was told I cheated because I used to be a cowgirl and had everything for the costume at my house. What can I say? I go for the easy costumes.

We added a little flair to Taryn's costume and put a little sparkly eye shadow and black jewels on her face. She liked it!

My Jedi in training. He had more fun with this costume. He loved pretending that he was Obi-wan Kanobi. I love it when they use their imaginations to have fun.

Just a cute photo.

The church had rented a BIG blow up, double slide. Taryn wanted me to take her down. It was a rush and I inherited a nice burn on my elbow to slow us down, but it was still fun. After I took her down the first time, she decided that she was a big enough girl to go down herself. She went up and down at least 100 times. No exaggeration there. It was another fun night.
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