So much will happen in a few days time and I have such good intentions of writing it all down, but the next thing I know it is four days later and that hasn't happen. NOW, I am catching up.
After church on Sunday, we had our usual big Sunday lunch and then Vaughn and I take a nap for a bit while the kids play. After sleeping for an hour, here come the kids down the stairs placing a little strip of paper in each of our laps saying, "Here is your dance ticket. The dance party starts in five minutes." Vaughn and I wipe the sleep from our eyes, exchange funny looks and then head up the stairs to see what the little darlings have been up to while we were sleeping. They had transformed Taryn's room into a dance area. Vaughn and I had to sit behind the barrier of books which served as the seating area. The kids came out of the closet when the music played and began to dance for us. It was the cutest, most hilarious thing I have ever witnessed. Tyson had some rhythm and moves, and Taryn had her signature move which was going down on one knee while her left arm went into the air pointing her finger and the right arm did the opposite pointing down. Tyson did lots of "John Travolta" moves and both kids smiled and giggled as much as we did. After three songs and lots of fun, the dance show was over. I just love how they thought this whole thing up all by themselves and practiced it, then executed it for our enjoyment. LOVE IT! (the funny thing is: when I was younger and all the cousins would come to visit on Sundays back home, I would orchestrate some kind of play or dance party as entertainment for the adults after dinner. I laugh that my own kids do that very same thing now)
Monday was the four year mark for my dad's death. The first three years have been a little sad on this day, but today was different. I no longer mourn for my dad, but celebrate his wonderful life and relish on the fact that he is in heaven without pain or suffering from the cancer that ravaged his body. This was my turning point year. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I am not living close to home, and if I was this might be a hard day, but then again maybe not. I am a good mix of my parents, but in somethings I am very much my dad's daughter, and in being "Tough" through things I follow in his footsteps, least I like to think I do. (:
Back to another week of school and more work at KHS with their musical. I am almost finished with the choreography. I have one last dance to teach and I think it is the hardest yet most satisfying one. It is a ballet sequence, telling a story of a young girl's dream. Not only are most of the kids not dance trained but they haven't done any lifts of any kind. I was skeptical of how much and how far I could go with this, but they surprised me. The kids are willing to try anything and are also willing to work for it. The result is a young man performing ballet lifts quite well and two girl dancing ballet just as well. I am excited to see the final result.
School, library time, musical, homework...etc. That is a normal day for us. Vaughn is on call, hence the reason I can get my blog caught up and other things accomplished.