There is that song that says, "I Have Been Blessed," and I have been. I am so grateful that my little life, even though I have trials and tribulations, has been blessed beyond measure. My litany poem:
I have been blessed with a loving family,
I have been blessed with two beautiful, sweet and loving children,
I have been blessed with my husband who is my best friends,
I have been blessed with the life of my husband, (because I could have lost him six months ago),
I have been blessed with a house to live in,
I have been blessed with food to eat,
I have been blessed with clothes on my back and shoes on my feet,
I have been blessed with good health and a good mind,
I have been blessed with the opportunity to go back to school (even though it is harder now than it was before)
I have been blessed with the friends that I have made in life from elementary school, to medical school, MI, TN and beyond,
I have been blessed with my calling in the Primary Presidency,
I have been blessed with my membership in my church,
I have been blessed with my faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ,
I have been blessed with the opportunity to be a mom.
I truly have been blessed and sometimes I have taken these blessings for granted, but I hope to be better at realizing and being grateful for them.
(And on a side note: writing has always been very therapeutic for me and with this class that I am taking, I am able to write a lot, again. I have missed the process that goes into writing and am so grateful that I haven't lost the ambition to do it.)