OH! I feels like this was just the other day. I remember that day was such a whirlwind, that neither of us remember much except that it happened. Thank goodness for pictures to remind us of that wonderful day. 1 1/2 kids later and over 10,000 miles of traveling, and we still love each other. The time has flown by and it seem like yesterday we were a couple of kids, having a great time dating. (Funny how things happen) I love you Vaughn.....can't wait for the next 6 years..............who knows where life will take us next!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
6 Years and Still Loving Every Minute Of It!
Posted by Jackson's at 3:48 PM 4 comments
Happy Father's Day
Happy Father's Day daddy. We gave Vaughn a grill for Father's Day since our last one, bit the dust. It is also our 6th Wedding Anniversary and Aunt Trisha's Birthday today. So this is quite a celebration of a day. We went over to some friends house, from our ward, to have a little BBQ and let the boys run around this afternoon. It was a great time and nice to spend the day with with friends.
The two most Handsome guys I know!!! Love you.
Posted by Jackson's at 3:43 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Walking In Michigan
Tyson and I are still walking it up. I have to keep in shape and not put on the 50 pounds that I did with Tyson. (I didn't do a whole lot of exercising with him, so I figured I should with this second one) So here we are sporting our sunglasses. I'll have you know these are the same sunglasses that I bought a year ago on the island, and they are still in tact. Amazing huh?
This is a small lake that is 1/2 a mile down from us in Lakevillage. Usually there are ducks and swans on it, but today they were all being camera shy.Here is some foliage that is basically all around us where we live. Aren't those gorgeous green trees?
If you look past the bushes, there is a small marsh in the picture. There are always lots and lots of ducks and squirrels around this place, but they were camera shy too.
This is what we get to walk by every day. It is so lush and green, and we love it.
Posted by Jackson's at 12:22 PM 3 comments
Saturday, June 7, 2008
The 80's are gone.
Yep, I cut my hair. SHORT!! I figured the 30 year look of the 80's hair do had to go. I have been growing out my hair since I last cut it short 3 years ago, and it was long.....but in this humidity I looked like the 80's girls from the Whitesnake videos. YIKES!!! So today after I did my hair and it still looked like I stuck my finger in the light socket (thanks to the natural curl) I had had it. I went to this salon up the street. It was so modern looking inside with all the stylists dressed up so nicely. I basically told my stylist that I needed something new and we talked about a new do for about 10 minutes and this is what was the result. I love it! With another kiddo on the way, long hair just won't cut it. Plus, Tyson likes to go go go and he doesn't give me much time in the mornings to get ready, so this is more practical.
Posted by Jackson's at 5:39 PM 3 comments
A Tornado? What the HECK!!!
I knew that moving to the East meant some changes, but I never knew it meant tornados. Now I have been through the hurricanes and earthquakes of the Caribbean, but I have no idea what to do in the event of a tornado. Yesterday about 3 p.m. there was a tornado warning flashing across the TV for our part of the state and even our county. So I watched the sky expecting the worst. Nothing! About 7 p.m. Tyson and I went for a small walk/trike ride. We got about 1/4 of a mile down the road and the dark clouds rolled in and so did the wind. I yanked Tyson off his bike and we hid in an open garage, and then called Vaughn to come and get us. Thank goodness for cell phones. He came before the major storm hit. We were in the house for about 1 minute and then the thunder cracked and the lightening lit up the sky and the trees hung low from the wind. I was ready to grab the family and jump into the bathtub with Tyson's mattress over us. (The only reason I would do that is because I saw it on "Desperate Housewives" I know I know...let the laughing begin, but I had no idea what else to do. Heck, I grew up in Circleville, Ut, what do you expect. LOL)
Luckily the storm lasted all but 5 minutes and then it slowed down to a drizzle. WHEW!! One crisis averted.
Posted by Jackson's at 5:12 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
The Michigan Life is Good.
OK, so I have been hounded about posting a picture of my bulging belly. And against my wishes I am posting one. So here you go. This will probably be the only one I post. I love the little bundles of joy when they get here, but the whole "pregnancy" part I very much dislike. I will be glad to have less of a belly in about 5 months.
Tyson was so memorized watching his movie that he didn't even know that I took his picture. The days here have been cold, warm, hot and muggy. So some days we wear lots of layers and some days we would love to run around in our nothings.
Vaughn is 6 weeks down with Peds and only has 2 more to go and then he gets a vacation for 2 1/2 weeks. We are so excited to be able to have him home for that length of time. It will be like Christmas all over again. We also have Grandma T coming out to visit around that time and Tyson already has the time planned out. He is going to take her to the mall to see the "big crocodile, and monkeys and to play on the food." Plus he wants to go to "Chucker Cheese" (Chuck E Cheese). He tells her this every time he talks to her on the phone. It is hilarious. Life is good here in Michigan.
Posted by Jackson's at 5:41 AM 3 comments