There he is.....the second guy walking in. HE DID IT!!! I didn't think this day would ever come, but it has and I am so proud of Vaughn.
Mark and Jennifer went with me to the graduation. It was pretty good. Usually graduations are boring and the speakers talk FOREVER and usually are not very good, but this one was an exception. The speakers were wonderful and inspiring, you don't hear that very often. And the main speaker was funny. Loved it! Here is Vaughn waiting for his turn to step up on the podium and receive his hood and diploma.

The ceremony took place in the
Maho room at the
Sonesta resort hotel in
MAHO. As unorganized as
AUC can be I was a bit sceptical about how this was going to be pulled off, but I was impressed at how well run it was, and how nice it looked. Good job

I hate my new camera. Because of the lighting it wouldn't focus fast enough. This blurry picture is Vaughn receiving his hood.

I was a picture maniac. I was running all over the place just to get the right picture. I think this one is the best! I am so happy, proud and bursting with excitement that he graduated and is now a Doctor!!! How cool is that?

Left to Right: Jennifer, Mark, Vaughn and myself. (Mark is Vaughn's brother)

Two of Vaughn's good friends during medical school. Janelle Bennett, and Trey
Cusimano. Janelle has always been so good to us and even came to visit us in Michigan last 4
th of July. Trey always had us over to his place on St.
Maarten for Thanksgiving and since leaving the island did a rotation in Michigan and hung out with us a few times. They were on the island when we were for the week and we got the chance to hang out with them at the beach and then during an evening. It was great times.

My only regret is that the kiddos weren't here to see their daddy graduate, but at the same time they would have been running around and making messes, so.....I am glad that we had this opportunity to do this together.
Love this girl. Janelle is just a little ways from us in her residency down in Jackson, Mississippi. It was such a great vacation and one that was really needed for Vaughn and I. Now it is time to get started on our life as a Resident. WOW!! I cannot
believe it is really here!!!!
Hope the proud day of graduation was full of motivation. Farewell party for our seniors is on cards now. Want to make the day memorable for them. Will divide the arrangements of the day among all. But I think booking of Chicago event venues near to the college is already decided. Lunch menu, sweets, gifts, Dj, cupcakes, decorations are yet to be listed.
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