I could wake up to this scenery each day and never tire of it. What a glorious morning it was in paradise. Vaughn and I were up and going, the others slept in a bit, not worries they are all on vacation.

Vaughn and I got the opportunity to talk in our church branch there on the island. The branch president found out we were coming to the island and asked us to give some talks. WHOA! Not what I expected to do on my vacation, but I did want to go to church and see everyone again, so why not speak a little too.

The building still looks the same, but the inside had a great surprise. They now have A/C in the building. Lucky!!!! I wish they would have had that when we were on the island. We would sweat to death as the little fans in the chapel would push around the HOT air. It was so nice to sit in the coolness and enjoy church.

I had to get a photo by the sign. Lots of good memories here. We talked, saw the members we had missed, and then headed back to our resort for some time in the sun.

But before we could relax in the sun, we went to the grocery store to get some food for the week. Going out every night on the island can get a little pricey and we were on a budget, so we all decided to cook in a few nights and have food for breakfast and lunch. It was weird to walk back into Grand Marche. Felt like I had just been home for a long vacation and now I was back to do my weekly shopping.

Hanging out in the van.

This is a view from the office to the resort. So beautiful. I wanted as many pictures as I could get during this trip because I don't know when I will get back here.

The front of our place.

That evening we went to downtown Maho for some sights and maybe some ice cream. They usually have dancers come out and dance in the streets around 9pm, except for Sundays. CRAP!! I really wanted to see them. Oh well!

Before we left the island two years ago, half of the lights were missing from the overhead display. Looks like they decided to fix them. They looked great!

Me and my sweetheart!

This was our beach outside of our window.

So.....Monday we took the crew down to Frontstreet to shop. What a disaster, at least for Vaughn and I. We lost the other members of our group in the first 10 minutes, and then got swindled into listening to a time share spiel for about 1 1/2 hours and then walked up and down Frontstreet a plethora of times looking for everyone else. Finally after hours of searching we found them and luckily they didn't worry to much about us and went shopping. I was relieved. I was feeling so bad that they wouldn't have taken time to shop. I am glad they did. Our day was shot, meaning mine and Vaughn's, but at least everyone else had a good time.

A look out over the bay in Pelican Key. I love the sounds at night on the island. There are these frogs or bird or insects, never knew which one, but they make the coolest night sounds. AH!!! I have missed those sounds.
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