Good old Sun Set Beach Bar, looks a bit different huh? It was TAKEN OUT by a hurricane a year or so ago and so they re-did the entire thing. It actually looks like a good place to eat at and not just a road side show!

We brought the rest of our gang down to Sun Set for the daily plane watching and picture taking. It was a fantastic time.

Just another picture of us enjoying our vacation.

I love the beaches here and took lots and lots of pictures of them.

Had to get a photo by the water.

I tried to write our full names in the sand before the ocean came and washed it away and I was doing quite well, until this enormous wave jumped out and tackled me and this is all I got.

As you can see from the bottom of my shorts, I got a little bit wet.

Da Plane, Da Plane.

A good close up of us.

AH......I love the water here. SO BEAUTIFUL.

After playing in the water and taking lots of pictures of the planes and beaches, we headed back to our resort to take more pictures of the vegetation. This is a branch of a beautiful Flamboyant tree. These trees are my favorite and are all over the island. I wish I could grow one of these in the states.

Just look at those blossoms. Aren't they gorgeous?

Most of the Flamboyant Trees are red, but occasionally you can find a yellow or orange one. Like this one.

I loved this close up. So brilliant~
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