Ah...this picture brings tears to my eyes. Wendy has been my best buddy for about 15 years. (Holy Cow it has been that long since my Dixie years) We first met at Dixie College on the Rebelettes. Instant kinship and have been close ever since. She married a good friend of Vaughn's from high school, Paul Kabonic (Skinny) and it just so happen that I knew him from living in Kanab for a few summers. So we all get along so well and so do our kiddos. We haven't seen Paul and Wendy in about..........well can't remember, a long time(since we lives across the country in MI). So before we left Utah we scooted down to K-town for a little reunion.
The two K-town boys. They broke the mold when these two were made. "There is just something different about a Kanab boy", any girl that has ever married one will tell you that same thing. They all have about the same personality, which is totally out there and funny as heck.
Vaughn went golfing with some of the K-town boys, while Tyson, Taryn and I headed over to Wendy's to hang out with her and the kids, Cooper and Avery.

Wendy and I took the kids to this new, well it was new to me, park in
Kanab that was just awesome. The ground wasn't those
notorious wood chips, hard cement or pebbles, no-----it was made out of rubber stamp
remnants from the
Stampin Up Company. So way cool. The kids could fall and never get hurt. My kind of play ground.

Wendy being the mom of the year, pushing her kiddos in the swing, while some random kid gives me his "Yahoo" face.

Taryn has a love for swings. She could stay in a swing for quite a while and be happy as a lark. I would throw up after 2 minutes, but not her, she loves to swing.

Tyson and Avery also got in on the swinging action and Avery was a little show off with all her cool tricks. Needless to say, it was such a great time hanging out with them. We miss them terribly and so do the kiddos. Hopefully, someday, we end up in
Kanab or somewhere nearby. That would
completely ROCK!! Love ya
Kabonics. See you in October in Tennessee.
Geez!! Sniff, sniff...this makes me tear up too! We had a blast, didn't we! Miss you guys already. Looking forward to the day when we can finally live next to each other!! Luv ya!
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