During the middle of May, when we were in Circleville with my mom, my side of the family got together and had family pictures taken. We had a local lady, Sundee Dalton, take our pictures on the SUU campus. The campus was beautiful for May and made for perfect pictures. Mom and Danielle color coordinated us and we looked pretty sharp. I don't have all the main pictures from the shoot, these are just the ones from my camera. So you can get a little bit of an idea of how we looked. Above: Danielle and I. It is funny how the years go by and we still follow what the other one does with her hair. Notice we both have short hair, next time it will be a different length. Love ya sis!

Jesse and Danielle: my cute sister and brother-in-law. Jesse was a hoot at the photo shoot. He was all about the posing and positioning of ourselves. Maybe you need to go out in Photography Jesse. HA HA HA Just teasing...keep it just for us.

Three HOT dudes!! Tyson and his buddies. I love this picture.

My handsome little boy. He takes the best pictures. Maybe he will be a little model someday, who knows. He has such an infectious smile, just lights up the whole place. He was a dream during the whole time, smiled when he was supposed to and did what he was asked to do.

I loved this picture of me and my boy!!! He gave me this tulip and said, "Mommy I love you." AHHH. Just melted my heart. I will cherish this picture forever.

Taryn and Grandma T. ; Grandma T did everything possible to get her little granddaugher to smile, but the little pistol wasn't going to do it. She just wanted to run around and hold the chapstick. Funny thing is, most of the good family pictures we took, she is holding a Berts Bee chapstick, which is a goldenrod color and sticks out like an eyesore. Oh well. The little stink!! She is the rooster in this hen house and if it isn't her way it isn't going to happen, and I doesn't matter what you bribe her with, it isn't going to happen
This is one of few pictures that Taryn sore-of-kind-of smiled and held still during the photo. She loved to put her hands around Tyson's neck, what a child!
When we get the others ones back from the printers, I will post them. It was such a fun time, the only thing missing was my dad. The last time we took family pictures he was still alive. I wish he could have been here for this time around, then maybe Taryn would have held still for Grandpa!!
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